Sunday, August 22, 2021

Chapter 5 - Passionate conversation #3

When I was studying 10th std., I had a great physics teacher who had been applying all the tricks to improve us. He was very good in communication. He explained the tough topics as well in a very simple manner. He was loving his students too much that he could not restrain himself not to handle them roughly when they did mischievous activities. He was a great motivator. Whenever he started taking a topic other than the subject I would be more excited to hear it. He was such a great motivator.

 One day when all the students were in a class room when the preparation for 10th Public exams were going on seriously. That was a special class extra hour which was being conducted in evening hours after school timings. He started giving a motivational speech. He would not just give some motivational tips and leave it to us to do further. He was spoon feeding us. He gave step by step approach towards success rather than just giving broader idea or repeated advices like “Study, study and study for the exams!”.

 He was interacting with us in a deep way so that he first understands the problem we faced and then started giving solutions not just ideal solutions which one cannot do but practical solutions which one can start doing easily. I had been applying his techniques for many days and was able to achieve many things in my life. I am very grateful to all the teachers I had in my lifetime. Good teachers not only teach something and leave alone. Good teachers do impart their teachings in the students’ mind like installing a software and upgrading the firmware. The students’ destiny is designed by the teachers. One of the passionate conversations happened that day.

 One of the students was asking, “sir, I could not wake up in the morning whatever I do. I feel too lazy to get up. What to do sir?”. For that he replied “Keep an alarm for waking up. At night itself decide and be determined to wake up at a specific time say 5 am. Once the alarm is on, do not switch it off (in those days only clock alarm was there, mobile phones were hardly found) Just open your eyes, stand up and start spot jogging! This will make your brain active in a matter of few seconds and hence you will not feel sleepy again. Once you are active enough refresh yourself like washing face, brushing teeth and then start reading. This will work for sure and it will become a habit if you follow this continuously for 21 days!”

 I do not know whether it worked for all. It worked for me. Hence, I added this one as well in my list of passionate conversations. Passion is innate. But activating them needs a motivation. If one gets a good teacher in his life, his passion would be kindled nicely so that the passion itself will drive him for the later part of his life to achieve bigger successes. I am very lucky to get such teachers in my schooling. Whenever I see movie “Saattai” or “Adutha saattai” by Samuthira Kani, I remember my beloved physics teacher. He was doing similar activities to make his students brighter and better.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Chapter 4 - Passionate conversation #2


When I was around 16-17-year-old I was having a great, sweetly talking, humble Zoology teacher. He was taking the subject in a good manner and his handwriting in board was amazing. Such a gliding smooth movement of his hands out of which words flow very easily on to the board while he was teaching the subject. Even hard topics were made into very soft, easily understandable ones. I am grateful to all the teachers whoever taught me starting from my LKG but I am more grateful to this Zoology teacher as he had showed a way to achieve my goal.


Once I join higher secondary school I was reading the subjects with the same interest as I was doing in the secondary. But due to the heavy competition since that school was admitting only brilliant students from various other schools, I was not able to shine much relatively. I was performing as per my levels only. I was not even taken into a special group which was meant for training some selected students towards getting a state/district ranks. I did not do my mid-term tests that much well. I had the enormous confidence on me but since it was not reflecting in marks the school did not select me for that special group.


That Zoology teacher was hardly noticing me in the classes as per my observation. I was a mediocre student in the middle benches at most times. The first bench would get attention by answering questions proactively. The last bench would be getting attention by doing mischievous things during the class hours. But that middle bench would be like Mahatma Gandhi when he was a mediocre lawyer who was not getting much attention at those initial times. They would be doing the home works and class works as per the orders from teachers but usually not talk to teachers and not answer to questions as well proactively.


I guessed that the zoology teacher did not give much attention to me. I was guessing that he did not even know me in person. But one day I came to know not only that teacher but each and every teacher was observing the progress of all the students so closely and they did know the capabilities of individual students. When higher secondary results were out, I was surprised to know that my cut-off marks were not high enough to secure a seat for getting MBBS which was my and my father’s goal. Being in a depressed state, we were looking for better options to enter the medical field at any cost. Not exactly, because my father was not ready to pay lumpsum amount to private colleges. I was ready to enter the medical field by doing pharmacy, physiotherapy, dental and so on.


That day I and father went to the school for an open house for getting the marksheets of my higher secondary. We had a meeting with the Zoology teacher. He was as usual as humble, soft spoken, nice human being. He greeted both of us and we sat in front of him. My father was explaining “My son wants to enter medical field, he wants to become a doctor but the cut-off marks are not good enough. So, we are looking for alternative ways. Even we are enquiring about the improvement center where he can re-do the 12th standard”. The reply for this gave enormous confidence to my father.


The teacher replied, “I have seen your son here in my classes, he is very calm and responsible person. He has the ability to secure more marks easily. You can definitely give him another chance. Most probably he would be able to secure cut-offs high enough to secure the medical seat next time.” This sentence changed my father’s approach entirely and he was convinced completely for giving me another chance. Before that I was also not confident enough to accept to do improvement and my father was also in dilemma as already I had spent one extra year for doing my 4th standard again. But these words gave a second hope to my father and therefore for me. My father came home and motivated me to do improvement after this precious conversation.


When someone is in a state of depression and was not knowing exactly what to do next, if supporting and motivating words are conveyed properly those words are not just words they are the sign boards which will help to move in that direction with full force rather than wandering here and there. I still hear those golden words which was in the important sign board for moving towards my goal as softly expressed by my beloved Zoology teacher now also (as it was repeated by my father also few times after that.) The words are as follows

“Unga son uh naa gavanichirukken. nalla calm aana paiyan romba responsible aana student, avanukku innoru chance nambi kudunga. Avan kandipaa nalla marks eduthurvaan!”








Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Chapter 3 - Passionate conversation #1

When I was around 13-15-year-old I was having a great passionate mathematics teacher whose words resonated very passionate to me then and now also resonating with the same intensity of passion in my mind. He was around 30-year-old medium build guy with the typical Indian belly with neatly combed oil applied hair and was having a Kumkum tilak on his forehead almost always. He was teaching mathematics like a Tamil teacher. Yes, although in a matriculation school he was teaching the subject in an easily understandable native language. He was able to make me understand even tough problems easily. He was harsh on those students who did not do the home work properly and also was treating the mischievous guys in a little different way as well at times.


He used to do another extra work which other teachers usually did not do. He asked one or 2 students who were interested to come and meet him in a nearby temple for having a session with him regarding a subject other than mathematics. The subject was about “life”. He tried to understand what the students really liked and wanted to explore the possibilities of what they can achieve. He was acting as a very good mentor and well wisher for me and many more students. He used to appreciate me so much that even he told one day that I solved the problem easily for which even he could not find the answer. He remarked to the entire class, “I myself find difficult and could not do this particular problem! But see, Mr Saravanan has solved it!” I was almost flying on air at those times. Which teacher appreciates a student like this? He was such a humble and talent appreciating person.


One day, it was my turn to attend the motivation/mentoring session with him on that evening. I am naming the session as it was unnamed and was just happening out of his own interest without even the knowledge of school administration. Which teacher gives his valuable time for free to students nowadays without charging any fees? He was providing for free and for those who are interested only. There was no compulsion. I went to the temple after school hours. He greeted me as usual and asked me to sit near him inside that temple at one stepping stone (there was no sitting arrangements, it was and is a small temple with only one main deity "Vinayaka" and with minimum visitors unless on some special occasions).


He asked me “What is your goal in life?”. I replied “I want to become a doctor!”. He was surprised on hearing this. Being a maths teacher he was seeing me all the days and he was appreciating my talent in solving mathematics problems every now and then, he could not digest my goal. He confirmed again with me “Are you sure?”. I replied “Yes sir, I am so sure about it. Not only as per my father’s wish but also as per my own conscience I am going to become a doctor and serve people.” He replied “Good, very good”. Then he added “Saravanan, I could see a great talent in you especially in mathematics. Whatever you do, whatever field you go, whatever job you do you always do not leave mathematics”.


I replied to him “Okay sir”. Just like a typical implicitly obedient Indian student. He added “the second important advice what I would like to add is not to memorize or by heart anything in your subject. Whatever you read, read it and try to understand it in depth not just superficially like for example when you read ‘frog lives in land and water’, do not just repeat and memorize like ‘frog lives in land and water, frog lives in land and water’, try to think why it happens so and how it happens so? Whether the frog is having any special skin which we do not have or is there any other specific reason behind that? Just ask yourself why and how and understand the subject in depth, then whatever subject you take you will shine in that.”


What a passionate advice from my mentor! I do not know whether I am following the first advice not to leave mathematics as I still use mathematics in medicine as well while I prescribe syrup to my pediatric patients, to calculate how much improvement the patient has achieved by calculating BMI, sugar levels, BP and so on. I always try to apply the second advice of “Why and How” as much as possible in my subject. It is almost 20 years now. I still remember the exact words as told by my beloved math's sir, (Those who do not know Tamil can stop here)


“Ne endha subject padichaalum sari yaa, endha field ponaalum sariyaa, aana maths uh mattum vittraadha. Unakku nalla talent irukku yaa maths la. Adhe maadiri, oru line padikirannaa manapaadam pannaadha ya, ippa ‘thavalai neerulum vaazhum nilathilum vaazhum’ nu padikiranaa chummaa, ‘thavalai neerulum vaazhum nilathilum vaazhum, neerilum vaazhum nilathilum vaazhum’ nu by gaat (by heart) panaadha. En neerla yum vaazhudhu, nilathulayum vaazhudhu? Adhukku nu edhuvum amaipu irukkaa adhoda thol adhukku thagundhaapla irukaa? Enna nu sindhichu padi ya, ne nalla varuvayaa. Endha field eduthaalum nalla varuvayaa!”

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Chapter 2 - Good going


I was looking for any option to do online service as a doctor and as the project in which I was posted had been getting over I was looking for an alternate job as well. At that time, I got a call from one HR consultancy stating an online health consultation platform looking for a doctor and my profile was matching. I accepted to go further and attended written test and interview virtually through video call. I was selected and went online within around 2 weeks. I was feeling very happy as I was able to serve patients online itself without the need to meet them in person.


As the days went on still there was some emptiness in me which was due to the same reason that making prescriptions with the conventional drug treatment. I was unhappy about the treatment strategy of increasing the dose of medications and adding newer costly medications when older ones fail to control the blood sugar of diabetics and/or BP of hypertensive patients. Something was missing. The approach was like having a hammer in hand and considering everything as a nail and keeping on striking.


In the mean time Covid19 infection started and spread worldwide. The company in which I was working served many people in that tough situation by providing online consultations with specialists nationwide at an offer price in both first and second waves and also Covid Home Care for those who could be treated at home itself. I was feeling proud to be a part of the company. My friends even commented that I was a visionary correctly predicted the arrival of the viral pandemic and went online before itself. I was feeling satisfied and safer doing online consultations taking care of patients on one side and my family as well on the other side equally without any compromises.


I was doing my duty of serving patients with all my effort but still that same emptiness persisted. I came to know about the long-term care provided to the patients having chronic conditions like diabetes and obesity in my company. I was excited to know about that and happily referring my patients to the long-term care programs. Eventually the emptiness was partially filled then. I was excited that there was a different approach initiated and also that was having a good response as well.


Once when I was doing my duty suddenly got a message that I was posted in Diabetes Care Program. I was very happy to know that and I thought finally I was about to do what I would be liking the most to do. The holistic approach, the life style modifying approach, the very natural approach that is going to the root cause of the disease and treating that. Rather than cutting the leaves of weeds we are uprooting them. I took the responsibility of being a health coach to the patients enrolled in that program and started doing that with full vigor and passion.


Finally, I feel now I am doing the right job which I was looking for all these days.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Chapter 1 - Brief outline

Finally, I feel now I am doing the right job which I was looking for all these days. I was also a mediocre student who was struggling to get good marks in my college life. I came to know that I was not that much smart once I joined my higher secondary school. Before that I was the first rank holder of the class even I was the “school first” most of the time. As I was studying in a mediocre school I was ranked one although my marks were not too high. I came out of the higher secondary with decent marks but not high enough to get MBBS seat. I joined the improvement course and did my 12th
 standard again. This time I passed out with good cut off marks to secure a seat for MBBS at my native place itself in a Government Medical College. Later I became a Doctor! which was not only my father’s dream but also mine!


As I (and my father) was struggling hard since 10th Standard itself for becoming a doctor I was thinking that after becoming a doctor everything would be settled, my life would be very happy and without any problems whatsoever. After becoming a medical student, I was excited for a few days despite the difficult syllabus but it did not persist for long. Studying was the only thing I was supposed to do and that was what done as well. The same thing which I was doing all the previous years. I was able to pass out MBBS with a big struggle and became a doctor. My father was very happy that finally one doctor been installed in our family. Unfortunately, or fortunately nothing changed in me. There was always a lag, an emptiness in me which I could not find out correctly.


After passing out of the medical college, as all others did I also joined coaching center for preparing to crack All India PG Entrance Examination(now NEETPG). Since I could not afford to sit and prepare without earning being from a middle-class background I joined a hospital as a duty doctor. I was working in emergency department for a certain period and then shifted to Airport at which there was a small center for providing first aid to the passengers and staffs. As I got many leisure hours there, I was able to contemplate over many things including medical practice. Then I joined a hospital for night shifts. I was doing only night shifts continuously for a period of around 2 years. Later I joined back to Airport and from there I got an opportunity to join a paramilitary force hospital on a contract basis.


In the paramilitary hospital, I was treating many patients who were paramilitary personnels. I was having the belief that army men would be fine and fit always but I could see many persons were having the same ailments which the general public suffer like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol and so on. I always questioned myself whether I was doing the right thing for my patients or not. Especially when I prescribed medications for long-term diseases like diabetes. I was feeling guilty of prescribing too much medications for controlling blood sugars. Although I was doing service and not getting any bonuses, gifts or tour packages from pharmaceutical representatives, I was feeling guilty because of the side effects which I had read in pharmacology. I was always looking for a better alternative for my patients.


I found psychological stress playing a main role in causing these diseases. I was conducting stress management sessions to the force people. I read few materials and came to know that stress causes many long-term illnesses. I thought with stress management we could deal with these diseases in a better way. Later I got an opportunity to join a software company doing a project for computerizing the entire health care system. I joined and learnt many things especially what the software people really do. In that project I was taking care of Non-communicable disease program in which the patients were screened by field workers at their home itself for diabetes, hypertension and so on. The concept was good that early diagnosis by screening and starting treatment would give better outcomes.


“The modern medicine has to change a lot. It has to change the conventional beliefs”. I came to know all these when I read the book by Dr. B. M. Hegde. I would not say he was 100% correct but I accept the fact that the doctors have to change their mindset especially money-mindedness. I did not start practicing, I did not start a clinic fearing for the same. I had the firm belief that once clinic is started I would become money-minded. The representatives would brain wash me and could make me write even unnecessary medications in the innocent patients’ prescriptions to achieve their monthly targets.


One day, I was advising my spouse to do some online jobs along with home making as she was feeling bored. She told “Nowadays, no online jobs are secure, I could find only cheaters!”. This sentence kindled me and I was searching for a good online job in which we need not put any single rupee investment. I was able to earn around 500 Rs (10$) through a free-lancing website by translating one article from Portuguese to English without even knowing a single word in Portuguese using google translate. I did it to show my wife that we could earn online without any investment. Later I got the idea “Why not we try doing the doctor job itself online?”

To be continued...

Chapter 5 - Passionate conversation #3

When I was studying 10 th std., I had a great physics teacher who had been applying all the tricks to improve us. He was very good in commu...